
During lunch a few other counselors and I decided it would be fun to attend this meeting just to see what was what. At three o'clock sharp, Bill Johnson, a member of an Eastern college theatre group known for their plays, entered the lodge. Altogether there were about twenty in attendance.

Bill quickly gave a resume of what the play was to be and further told us, that in addition to the usual performance on camp night, which was attended by parents and friends, there also would be a performance for the neighboring girls camp, at their camp, to be followed by a dance.

After tryouts the casting was completed and who do you think got the part of Julie Jordan in the musical "Carousel"? Little ole me. To be honest I was scared to death. The play was to be acted out using the original sound track so it necessitated us all to learn the words so proper lip movements could be made in order to create realism. For me this was not difficult for I have always liked show music and was familiar with the music. The hard part was to act the part of Julie in regards to appearance, movements and grace. Many tireless hours were spent trying to be as feminine as possible in order to achieve my new female stature.

Because of this over indulgence in practicing my part, I was soon nick-named "Julie" as were the fellows who were to play the parts of "Carrie" and "Nettie" and with those in the chorus line. In order to devote as much time to rehearsal as possible Bill Johnson got permission to house the cast in one cabin and for us to be relieved of most of our camp duties. Silly as it may sound you would have thought that this particular cabin housed a bunch of girls by the sounds that echoed over the still New England nights.

Two weeks before the first show, we started to have our wardrobe prepared. This aspect was done by the wives of the tutoring counselors and was performed with as much authenticity as we the actors and actresses were doing.

Since I only weighed 140 pounds at the time and had a normal waist of 28 inches it didn't take much pulling on corset strings to achieve a girlish 23 inch waist. With proper padding I